Dr. Prashanth S Acharya

Founder and Director
- He is a person born with an interest in plants and nature.
- He completed his B.A.M.S from Bangalore university in the year 1995.
- After completing graduation, Dr Prashanth, acquired his MD from Rajiv Gandhi University and at present, he is doing Phd in Pune University
- Apart from treating numerous patients with authentic Ayurveda, he has presented numerous research papers across the world.
Managing Trustee of Atreya Charitable Trust
Founder & Managing Trustee of Atreya Ayurvedic Medical College.
Founder Director of ISHA Diagnostics – A state of art MRI and all other complete diagnostics under one roof.
Ayurvedic Medical Practitioner & Consultant with over 14 years of experience
- Produced 100% results in back ache treatments (includes bulge, herneations and prolapse) – treated over 1500 people.
- Produced extremely good results in hundreds of cases of Diabetic neuropathy – one of the most common complications of Diabetes mellitus.
- Produced 100% results in hair & skin treatments (Cosmetology) – treated over 500 people
- Articles on Occupational Health Hazards (2002) and Hair & Skin Care (2000 – 01) published in ‘Heritage Healing’, a health journal Holds the record for having conducted free health check-ups for over 10,000 under- privileged school children in a year, as President of Leo Club – District 324-D1,Jayamahal, Bangalore
PERSONAL MISSION Making Ayurveda THE life style of the 21st century
Aug 1999 – to date Medical Director ARTH – AN AYURVEDIC HEALTH CENTRE, Bangalore
- Consulting to companies in UK, Singapore and Spain that wish to start / run Ayurvedic centres, Panchakarma units and training centres.
- Conducting studies on occupational health hazards in different industries, especially those related to use of computers.
- Presenting talks regarding different topics on health care to Corporate Companies (e.g. SAP Labs, HP, Force Computers, etc.)
- Customise herbal products for those aspiring to enter into the herbal pharmaceutical world.
Dr. Prashanth S Acharya
Aug 2002 – to date Managing Trustee
Atreya Charitable Trust, Bangalore
- Trust working for the development of Ayurveda in all its forms
- Running a 100 bed, fully equipped, Ayurvedic Hospital at Bangalore rural.
- Managing a herbal garden at Doddaballapura with over 300 species of medicinal plants for study & research purposes.
Managing Trustee - Atreya Ayurvedic Medical College, Doddaballapura, Bangalore
Fully equipped – State of art, Ayurvedic Medical College at Doddaballapura, Bangalore.
Nov 2006 – to date Director ISHA Diagnostics, Malleshwara, Bangalore.
Running a stat of art diagnostics centre that has the latest MRI machine of 1.5 T, 16 channel, the top end of its type, spiral CT, top end pathological laboratory, PCR,TMT,ECG,EEG, etc allunder one roof.
Jan 2008 – to date Proprietor: SAVB – Ayurvedic Pharma Company, Doddaballapura,
Reviving the sick unit and making it to run in profits. Get the sanction of 9 more drug manufacturing licences apart from the existing 13 licences, and work towards overall development of the company and making it an export unit. ??Get the new combinations done, clinical trials and launch of those new products to the market, by identifying the lacuna for the requirement of the new products in the market.
President (South India Chapter) and Fellow of International Council of Ayurveda, USA Fellow of Academy of General Education, Manipal
Scroll of Honour awarded by Lioness Council 2000 – 01 (The International Association of Lions Club, District 324 – D1) Member – National Ayurvedic Medical Association – USA
State award ‘NADA CHETANA’ in the year 2006.

Arth Ayurveda is a multi specialty hospital focused on implementing Ayurveda in the modern lifestyle. We go to the root-cause of all ailments to find the best treatments, procedures and processes enshrined in the ancient Indian medicinal texts of Ayurveda. For us, Ayurveda is not just about curing disease but also the preservation of health.